Hey Shave, what is your weirdest memory as a musician working on Uncle Joe’s American Odyssey?
Pete the Poet
Well, my dear friend Batt was out here in Boston and we all had some drinks and whatnot and ended up at a Chinese karaoke club singing and videotaping Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi. Before that we were at the Blue Moon Cafe and bowling pub in Jamaica Plain. Again, karaoke. Batt did ‘Dead Or Alive’ and freaking jumped off stage and slid across the floor on his knees. Batt always throws the best parties wherever he’s at! Pure gold. I can’t top that, even having done the movie’s ‘theme’ song, ‘Uncle Joe‘.
Hey Shave, did The Odyssey inspire you to go down any other new roads?
Actually, it turned me on harder to the American Experience. Things we all took for granted from decades before 9/11. An innocence. It inspired me to pursue my SailorSam project which took 8 years. Inspired by America’s Bicentennial year. It also stayed in my mind post 9/11, as a contrast to the way we lived and loved and laughed freely back then.
Brian Riley a/k/a Jack Energy…
shaverecords.com (home of the bands, Echo Detective, SailorSam & Shave Librarian) jackenergyzone.com (powerful short stories, poetry & art)
Pete the Poet still writes poetry. He also co-edits the online poetry journal http://www.ADozenNothing.com.