Q 1, 2, 3, & 4 – Pete the Poet Interviews Odyssey Interviewee Rick

Hey Rick, what is your strongest memory as an interviewee in Uncle Joe’s American Odyssey?

Pete the Poet

I remember the wind sitting on the side of the hill behind our new house being built.

Hey Rick, what’s one “rule” of life you think everyone should break at least once?

Sticking with it. Sometimes it’s best to say “Hey, this is not something I want to do. Let’s try something or somewhere else.”

Hey Rick, is there something you wanted to do as a kid, that you haven’t done and still want to do?

Hike in the mountains and sleep in a cabin like Grizzly Adams.

Hey Rick, do you ever use chance elements when navigating your life? If so, share a memorable time you did?

I took the wrong exit on the highway and went to a different place for lunch than I expected to.

214-409-1665 | 877-HERITAGE (437-4824)
RICKA@HA.COM | www.HA.com

Pete the Poet still writes poetry. He also co-edits the online poetry journal http://www.ADozenNothing.com.