Q 1, 2, & 3 – Pete the Poet Interviews Odyssey Interviewee Lynn

Hey Lynn, what is your strongest memory as an interviewee in Uncle Joe’s American Odyssey?

Pete the Poet

I was nervous and sweaty with lunacy. I also really loved that apartment.

Hey Lynn, what’s one “rule” of life you think everyone should break at least once?

You mean I have to pick just one? Maybe do tug on Superman’s cape. I don’t think he’d be that sore about it.

Hey Lynn, Is there something you wanted to do as a kid, that you haven’t done and still want to do.

Go somewhere like Norway or Alaska and stand in the snow with a friendly herd of reindeer whilst gazing upon the aurora borealis quiescently and with full reverence. Also: make friends with crows and live in the woods for a while.

Pete the Poet still writes poetry. He also co-edits the online poetry journal http://www.ADozenNothing.com.