Hey Batt, if you could go back and spend a year in one scene in one location in Uncle Joe’s American Odyssey where would it be? Pete the Poet Hi Pete the Poet, wow that is a great question. Especially since it has been 10 years since I’ve spent even 5 months in a single […]
Q 1 – Pete the Poet Interviews Odyssey Interviewee Julie
Hey Julie, what’s one “rule” of life you think everyone should break at least once? Pete the Poet Hi Pete the Poet. Following the rules. That’s the rule I’ve learned to break. I’ve spent a good amount of my life following the rules society told me to follow. Hell, I didn’t even smoke pot until […]
Q 1 – Pete the Poet Interviews Soundtrack Musician Zariah Hazel
Hey Zariah, do you ever use chance elements when creating your music? If so, share a memorable time you did. Pete the Poet Hi Pete the Poet. In the music I created for this adventure, I was very inspired by the impromptu jams I’ve had in towns up and down the I5. I tried to […]
Q 1 – Pete the Poet Interviews Odyssey Captain Effie Stana
Hey Effie, what’s one “rule” of life you think everyone should break at least once? Pete the Poet Hi Pete the Poet, allow your dog to run free. And run with him/her. If you don’t have a dog, run free anyway. If you cannot leave home, due to obligations, practice freedom on a simple walk […]
Q 6 – Pete the Poet Interviews Director
Hey Batt, when you were filming Uncle Joe’s American Odyssey were there any scenes that “got away”—times that you really regret not capturing Pete the Poet Hi Pete the Poet, I remember that you definitely thought one scene “got away!” I didn’t agree with you at all in that case, but at the time there […]
Q 5 – Pete the Poet Interviews Director
Hey Batt, if you were making Uncle Joe’s American Odyssey today, what’s one thing you would do differently? Pete the Poet Hi Pete the Poet. A somewhat flat response, but I’d be using the skills I’ve learned since then to my benefit. That’s the technical part of the answer. I’ll borrow a second ‘one’ if […]
Q 4 – Pete the Poet Interviews Director
Hey Batt, what would be the moral of Uncle Joe’s American Odyssey? Pete the Poet Hi Pete the Poet. Wow, what a question. Now I’m wishing I would have asked the people we met on the road in 2000—“What is the moral of your life?” Uncle Joe’s American Odyssey was simply a practice of having […]
Q 3 – Pete the Poet Interviews Director
Hey Batt, if you could go back and ask the people in Uncle Joe’s American Odyssey another question, what would it be? Pete the Poet Hi Pete the Poet, I would have asked “Is there something you wanted to do as a kid, that you haven’t done and still want to do.” The interview answers […]
Q 2 – Pete the Poet Interviews Director
Hey Batt, America seems a lot more divided than in did when you filmed Uncle Joe’s American Odyssey. What advice do you think people in the year 2000 would give us today if they could know how messed up things are? Pete the Poet Hi Pete the Poet, thank you for your question. I won’t […]
Q 1 – Pete the Poet Interviews Director
Hey Batt, it’s been twenty years since you filmed Uncle Joe’s American Odyssey. When you watch it now, what are some major changes you notice in our world? Pete the Poet Hi Pete the Poet, for the sake of the viewers I won’t answer that. I feel violated even by trailers! What makes many stories […]